The Nectar of Lockdown, Volume 2 (e-Book, epub)


This publication provides invaluable instructions on keeping Krishna’s holy names prominent in our daily lives and the proper consciousness to develop during our ongoing lockdown in this material world, where suffering caused by pandemics, war, natural disasters, personal health ailments, or other reasons will manifest in one way or another.

Format: e-Book
Volume: Vol 2
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The Nectar of Lockdown, Volume 2 (e-Book, epub)
The Nectar of Lockdown, Volume 2 (e-Book, epub)
The Nectar of Lockdown, Volume 2 (e-Book, epub)
The Nectar of Lockdown, Volume 2 (e-Book, epub)
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In his talks in May 2020, Niranjana Swami gives invaluable instructions on keeping Krishna’s holy names prominent in our daily lives and the proper consciousness to develop. These talks were given relatively early during the COVID-19 global pandemic, following those published in the first volume of The Nectar of Lockdown. Although published in 2022 at a time when many pandemic lockdowns are being lifted, the message is relevant beyond the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; it is relevant to our ongoing lockdown in this material world.

This volume also comes at a time when a devastating military conflict is taking place in Ukraine, bringing incredible suffering and anxiety to millions of people. As experienced devotees should know, no one is exempt from suffering in this material world. If the suffering does not manifest in one way, it will manifest in another way to varying degrees—whether it is caused by a pandemic, war, natural disasters, personal health ailments, or other reasons.

Topics in the book include:

Understanding Krishna’s chess moves; the sum and substance of Lord Chaitanya’s mission; Lord Nrsimhadeva’s protection; pleasing Krishna; proper utilization of time and association; proper sankirtana; the power of the holy name; and so much more.

Beautiful illustrations are included in the book.

  • 232 pages, Soft Cover
  • Printed in 2022

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Vol 2