Lectures from a Disciple, Volume 1 (e-Book, epub)


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We have compiled lectures given in various cities and over several years.

Format: e-Book
Volume: Vol 1
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Lectures from a Disciple, Volume 1 - e-Book
Lectures from a Disciple, Volume 1 (e-Book, epub)
Lectures from a Disciple, Volume 1 - e-Book
Lectures from a Disciple, Volume 1 (e-Book, epub)
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We have compiled lectures given in various cities and over several years, into chapters based on their subject :

  • 1. Srila Prabhupada’s unique position.
  • 2.Disciplic succession.
  • 3. Relationships with a spiritual master.
  • 4. Devotional service: The most elevated activity.
  • 5. Chanting the holy name.
  • 6. The importance of preaching.
  • 7. Vaisnava qualities.
  • 8. Relationship between devotees.
  • 9. Spiritual life of grihasthas.
  • 10. Sadhana.
  • 11. Prajalpa.
  • 12. Attachments and material desires.
  • 13. The counselor system.

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Vol 1