The Nectar of Lockdown, Volume 1 (Case of 30 Copies)


In his daily talks in April 2020, His Holiness Niranjana Swami gives invaluable instructions on keeping Krishna’s holy names prominent in our daily lives and the proper consciousness to develop—not only during the coronavirus lockdown but also during our continued lockdown in this material world.

Format: Book
Volume: Vol 1
Packaging: Case (30 copies)

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The Nectar of Lockdown, Volume 1 (Case of 30 Copies)
The Nectar of Lockdown, Volume 1 (Case of 30 Copies)
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In his daily talks in April 2020, His Holiness Niranjana Swami gives invaluable instructions on keeping Krishna’s holy names prominent in our daily lives and the proper consciousness to develop—not only during the coronavirus lockdown but also during our continued lockdown in this material world.

Topics in the book include: Protection of the holy name; focusing the uncontrolled mind; the highest perfection of life; understanding our insignificance; the gift of prema; the dharma for the Age of Kali; creating auspiciousness; dependence on Krishna; and being humbler than a blade of grass.

  • 250 pages, Soft Cover
  • Printed in 2020

For orders in India or bulk orders in Europe, please contact us for local pricing and shipment.

Additional information

Weight 23 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 10 × 11 in



Vol 1


Case (30 copies)